
What is EUFIAS?

EuFiAs, the European Fireworks Association, coordinate and represent the interests of the European fireworks industry, especially those of its members, within the European Community.

EuFiAs concerns itself mainly with European and international laws and regulations on fireworks but also theatrical and other pyrotechnic articles.

EuFiAs support the business by providing fact-and science-based solutions for the complex questions at European level.

EuFiAs is acknowledged by the European Commission, Parliament and Council as the representative for the fireworks industry in Europe.

EuFiAs experts work closely together with authorities both on European and national levels and participate in technical committees, standardisation and partner expert groups.

Become a member!

EuFiAs was founded in 2006. Since the restructuring of EuFiAs at the end of 2018, EuFiAs' membersship is principally composed of national industry organisation/ associations from the EU member states, the EEA and the UK.

Due to the difficult challenges ahead, a concentration of interests is even more important nowadays to be able to act with one voice towards the EU Commission and other EU authorities. Any interested national industry association dealing with fireworks, theatrical or other pyrotechnic articles, is welcome to join us!

If you are interested or have any question about EuFiAs, please contact us:

E-mail: info@eufias.org and/or eufias@feuerwerk-vpi.de